We have new Swedish Masters in Pike 2024!

We have new Swedish Masters in Pike 2024! Today, the Swedish championships in pike fishing for teams have been decided on Lake Vänern!

Many and long fish have been caught. We must of course begin by paying tribute to this year's Swedish champion, Team Predator Fishing Scandinavia with Martin Wahlquist, Christian Wahlquist and Erik Segnestam. The team fished a total of 475 cm, which was enough for a win today! Congratulations, you are truly worthy winners!

In second place we find Team PigPike, Rasmus Borginger, Reine Viklund and Rolf Edvardsson who for a period led the competition but it was not enough until the end, good fishing and big congratulations to the second place with a total of 467 cm!

In third place we find a team that fell on the finish line, Team Gäddihallonen, Pauline Pinola, Robert Qvist and Albin Björk who fished together a really nice suite of pike, 119, 110, 108 and 106 cm tot 443 cm. If the team had only taken one more approved fish for full paper, they would probably have won. But, a crazy nice big pike bet was what almost went home!

Ulf Godtman and Laxsjöns Sportfiskare must be praised for yet another really well-executed SM. According to several participants, information, organization and implementation were of absolute top class. Well done! For more information, pictures, results etc. find everything at fishy.nu!

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