Demo or viewing?
"Seeing is believing" is what it's called, and we're happy to show you why we think Fishy Live is the best system on the market! Get in touch via our contact form to book a free, non-binding viewing of our system. We go through the basics and show how it works, and you get an opportunity to ask questions.
What we need from you…
Currently, there is no "self service" regarding posting a new competition, but we take care of that part for you - at no extra cost, of course.
To get started, we will need some information about you and your competition, e.g. competition rules, how points are to be calculated, price, etc. You can edit this information yourself on the spot, afterwards, via the logins you receive when we post your competition.
Contact Us!
When you are ready, contact us via our contact form or directly by email to info at and we will take it from there!