
Services and connectivity

  Fishy Tech Sweden AB is the company behind the Fishy.nu service, which is run by people who are both knowledgeable entrepreneurs and experienced anglers themselves. We offer Fishy Live A modern, app-based system for live competitions Read more... How does it work? What does it cost? When can we get started? Questions about it? To use our services, draw a…

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Fishy Live

Fishy Live - A modern, app-based system for fishing competitions Fishy Live is a complete and the market's most easy-to-use and fast system for organizing and managing live fishing competitions in a completely new way, where teams or individuals continuously report catches and have them reviewed by a competition management.

Cookies on Fishy.nu

The website uses cookies. By law, we must inform our visitors about this, what the cookies are used for and how to opt out.

Fishy Tech Sweden

Welcome to the country's most modern service for fishing competitions! Our modern and easy-to-use system makes it easier for you to organize sport fishing competitions. Behind the system is Fishy Tech Sweden AB, which is a joint venture of +FishEco, Alvega & Co AB and Kåda Development AB - three well-known and experienced players in the digitalization of Swedish sport fishing and innovative IT development. http://fishytech.biz/ …

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Press / Logotype

Download logos and graphic material for Fishy Tech Sweden. Fishy-logos-Bundle.zip  

Fishy Live App

Our Live app for reporting catches during competition is available to download for free for several types of Smartphones. The application is built to work on both iPhone/iPad and Android. Download Search for the word "Fishy Live" or download it via the direct links below: Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nu.fishy.app iPhone https://apps.apple.com /ph/app/fishy-live/id1513965813#?platform=iphone Usage Download and install the app, links …

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Payment and delivery

  Registration fees for competitions All payments are made in collaboration with iFiske.se. There you pay using Swish, VISA, MasterCard or Internet banking (SEB, Nordea, Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Danske bank). It is also possible to pay via invoice in 14 days, or via Svea Ekonomi. After purchase, we deliver the fishing license directly within a couple of minutes both as an SMS...

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Terms of use and personal data policy (FT2004)

Thank you for using our services. We are keen to process your personal data in a safe and secure manner and offer you high availability of our services. This document describes our terms of use and our privacy policy.

Fishing districts in Sweden (FVO)

There are approx. 2000 Fishing District in Sweden. Die meisten von ihnen wurden nach 1981 güngürten, als ein neues Gesetz veraschiedet wurde wurde, das an die moderne Fischereiverwaltung adapted war. In Binnenseen und Fließgewässern ist diese Verwaltungsform sehr erfolrich. Fischereibezirke werden von einer Fischereivereinigung verwaltet. Der Bezirk includes the geographical unit. Die Vereinigung besteht aus sämmleten Fischereirechtsbesitzern innerhalb …

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