Nedre Glomma Gjeddefestival 2023 - Skjeberg JFF Junior

Rules (Nedre Glomma Gjeddefestival 2023 - Skjeberg JFF Junior)

All participants must be physically present at Furuholmen no later than 08:30 on Saturday 2 September to receive mandatory information and skipper's meeting.
Everyone who fishes with modern aids such as Livescope, Mega Live or Active target MUST tick this off when registering, then the teams will be drawn 10cm in total in the team competition to get as fair a competition as possible. (No deductions are made for the individual competition where only the longest pike counts)
Det är inte tillåtet att ha denna typ av hjälpmedel tillgängliga i båten om du inte har kryssat av detta i anmälningsformuläret. Om du inte ska använda kikaren under tävlingen måste den fysiskt avlägsnas från båten INNAN tävlingen startar.
Alla fångster MÅSTE registreras med Fishys app och den tilldelade registreringskoden erhölls vid anmälan till Fishy för att bli godkänd.
This is a pure C&R competition so all pike must be released again after photo and registration on the Fishy app.
It is allowed to fish with up to 6 rods per stretcher
It is not permitted to fish with methods other than fishing rods.
Fishing methods that are not approved in Norway are not allowed (live bait, pike scissors, etc.)
Auxiliary equipment such as Paravan, depth rig and sonar are allowed, but everyone must act carefully and not "block" the water with equipment that extends far from the boat and is a nuisance to other participants.
When harvesting from land, only 3 rods per person are allowed
The fishing competition stretches from Vamma (Askim) to Opsundtangen (Sarpsborg).

OBS! På grund av mycket hög vattenföring i år kan vi komma att begränsa området något av säkerhetsskäl.

Departure with boats starts after information distribution at Furuholmen at 09:30 and the boats must be in by 14:30 on Sunday.
All pike must be released immediately after measurement and photography. Pikes that are not released are not counted in the competition
In the event of an equal length in the competitions, the length of the next fish determines who wins.

ATTENTION! Boats without approved flotation devices for everyone on board will be denied participation in the competition

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