KinneKulleOnline KKO 2021

KinneKulleOnline KKO 2021

Welcome to KKO 2021, KinneKulleOnline 2021

Götene SFK has organized the Kinnekulleträffen (KKT) since 1992 from Hönsäters Hamn in Hällekis at the foot of Kinnekullberget. For the first time since the start of the competition, we had to cancel KKT -20 due to the current pandemic and we are facing the same misery in 2021. We therefore decided to arrange an online version of the Kinnekulleträffen 2021 which we call KKO 2021 (KinKwoolOnline 2021) with "free Vänerhamn" and online reporting via the "Fishy Live" app.

KKO 2021 runs April 17 - 18, 2021, the reserve date is the weekend after April 24 - 25 in the unlikely event of inclement weather.

The competition is decided this year on the total length of a maximum of 12 fish caught, you can catch up to 6 fish per day.

The biggest fish is decided by weight, we therefore have a number of "KKO ambassadors" who stand up and weigh potential fish all around Lake Vänern, see further under rules.


Glad you want to join!

Contest information

 TypeTrolling (Team, Salmon+Trout)



Götene Sportfiskeklubb

 Contest periodFinished 2021-04-17 00:01 → 2021-04-18 17:00  
 Registration requiredYes    (Unlimited Teams)
 Released 2021-02-09 12:00
Fee per team
 Number of spots500 pcs (140 Signed up)
 Price(Price information missing) (Fee per team)
 Registration possible during the competition periodNo
 Darkness periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo



On Sunday, fish do not cut the tail fin!!


Sketfeske on you boyz and girlz !!!!

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