DM i Abborre Jönköping 2024

Rules (DM in Abborre Jönköping 2024)

 • Team competition, 2-3 participants per team

     • Each participant is responsible for redeeming fishing licenses for that day.

 • Max 1 rod/person in the water at the same time.

     • Live transducers are not permitted, if they are mounted on the boat, the transducer must be covered.

 • The 5 longest Perches count (minimum size 25cm).

 • Fishing is done with hand gear, only artificial baits from boats.

 • The fish is photographed against measuring board C&R

 • Reporting via Fishy (app for android/Iphone)

 • Life jacket mandatory

     • Captain's meeting at approx. 07:30
     • Fishing license is the responsibility of each participant to solve
     • Membership in the anglers is a requirement
     • Ramping takes place at Address Västerkärr 3
     • Flying start. So after the captain's meeting you can go to your fishing spot. 
     • No bait in the waters before 08:00
     • Measuring board is handed out at registration at the ramp
     • At least 1 throw away from each other (30m)

In other respects, the Anglers' rules for the perch branch are applied. Click here Sportfishers!

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