SM i Abborre 2024

Rules (SM in Perch 2024)

Safety and rules:

     •  A life jacket must be worn at all times in the boat, even when photographing catches (No life jacket - No approved catch).
     •  Swamping of fish in the boat (Livewell) is not permitted! The fish can be briefly stored in a net outside the boat if registration cannot take place immediately after capture. Movement of the boat may not take place on this occasion.
     •  Boat checks will take place both before the start and during the competition.
     •  Joint start from after the captain's meeting without the summerland wipeout (with starting boat)
     •  Registration of fish takes place via the app Fishy.
     •  Minimum dimensions: 25 cm, mouth closed, rounding down in cm, no folded fins and no hands on head or tail coil.
     •  Pictures saved on the phone cannot be used for registration! Change the camera resolution to avoid long upload times!
     •  The competition ends at 15:59:59. Registration of fish cannot be done after this time!
     •  Measuring boards must be returned cleaned at the competition office
     •  Prize distribution takes place at 17:00 at the competition office. Teams not back by 5:00pm will be disqualified.
     •  Live donor not allowed. Sensor cable is sealed before start. Alternative for those who can, leave them at home.
     •  General rules can be found on the rules page.

Fishing license:

Fishing license is included in the entire competition area except Byrviken. If you choose to fish in Byrviken, your fishing license must be redeemed via ifish here

Competition area:

Orsa lake, Siljan, Byrviken, Österdal River down to Gråda power plant, the lake.

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