East Coast Predator Challenge

Rules (East Coast Predator Challenge)

Rules ECPC 2024

We are competing for a total length of 3 pikes and 3 Perches.

Minimum dimensions : Pike 70cm Perch 30cm

Fishing methods:

·      Spinning and vertical fishing is permitted 

·      Live donors are allowed

·      Artificial lures only

·      Trolling & fishing is NOT allowed


·      We of course conduct catch & release. All fish must be released. Minimize the fish's time above the surface as much as possible. Be ready with tongs etc. to quickly handle and report the fish. Damaged/dead fish will NOT be accepted

·      When fishing for perch, it is ok to swamp fish in a net or have fish in a livewell for a reasonable time (approx. 5 min) before registration.

Measurement and registration:

Minimum dimensions : Pike 70cm Perch 30cm

·      All fish must be measured with the nose towards the stop on the measuring board and with the back upwards. 

·      The competition management has full right to deduct the CM from the catch in case of incorrect measurement

·      The tail fin may be pinched

·      All fish are rounded down to whole cm

·      When photographing perch, the mouth must be closed and only one hand on the fish.

·      A picture of the measuring board/decal and 1 posing picture must be registered

·      Measurement is only accepted on the competition sticker

·      Only registration via official app will be approved

·      Unreturned measuring board is charged SEK 800

Boat and safety:

·      We fish 1-3 people per boat

·      Max 1 active rod per person

·      A life jacket is mandatory

·      Use the right lighting when fishing at night

·      The minimum distance to another boat must be approx. 50m or one cast length. Respect each other!

·      Kayaking is okay but only 1 kayak/person per team

·      In the event of an earlier completed competition, the competition management must be notified

Competition area and fishing license:

·      You are responsible for holding a valid fishing license in the waters you fish. And follow the rules for that water

·      Private lakes without the sale of fishing licenses to the public are prohibited

·      Fishing is only permitted within the county of Östergötland. Which will also be checked via app when registering fish.

·      Keep to speed limits and respect each other on the lake

Start and finish:

·      Delivery of measuring board 07.00-07.50 Saturday 28/9

·      Captain's meeting 07.50-08.00 Saturday 28/9

·      The start is at 08.00 outside the EXPLR/Kayakstore premises at Låsbomsgatan 27 in Linköping. Then you fish as much as you can until Sunday 29/9 at 4pm. You can of course have the boat in the water earlier, but everyone in the team must attend the captain's meeting before the start.

·      You must be back with your measuring board before 5.30pm on Sunday 29/9 to avoid being disqualified. This means that you have 1.5 hours to get back to EXPLR's premises after finishing fishing.

·      Prize giving will then take place at 18.00 on Sunday 29/9. 

·      We offer drinks and light snacks at the finish line


     •  Prizes are awarded to places 1, 2 and 3 (May be increased in case of many registrations). As well as the longest fish of both species
     • All entry fees go back into the competition in the form of prizes/materials to run the competition.
     • Any profit tax is paid by participants

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