DM i Abborre Dalarna 2024

Rules (DM in Abborre Dalarna 2024)

To participate, individual membership with the anglers is required. If you are not a member, become one here:

20% of the teams advance to next year's SM.

All boats must be in place in the water at the start. 

Water: The entire lake and river from the provstbrygga in Leksand where the river starts from Siljan down to Gråda power plant (see map). 

The results are based on length in cm and registration of fish takes place via photography against a measuring board. The measuring board must be placed flat and horizontal and the tail fin must be carefully adjusted with a finger but not pressed together as the fish can be injured. The fish may be held with one hand and ONE finger on the tail fin while measurement and documentation takes place without covering the head. If you do not follow the rules for registration (results in a 2 cm deduction). When photographing, it must be clear that the nose is against the stop (otherwise a 2 cm deduction is given) and that the length can be clearly determined.

Reel fishing, spin fishing, jerk fishing and fly fishing are allowed. Natural baits, trolling or so-called gallows are not allowed. Only fishing with one rod per person is allowed, but you can have more rods fully rigged in the boat.

All forms of Live transmitters are prohibited to use, such as Live scope, active target and the like!

If possible, mount the sensor, otherwise it will be sealed before starting!

Fishing is conducted only from boats and landing is not permitted except to meet natural needs or in an emergency. When disembarking, all fishing equipment must be left in the boat.

Team competition: Teams of 2-3 people. All competitors must continuously wear a life jacket, overalls, flotation underwear or other flotation garment from the time the boat leaves port until the boat is back in port.

Applicable sea rules and speed rules must always be followed. In urgent cases, contact with the competition management must always take place as soon as possible.

The smallest approved fish is 25cm.

It is spin fishing and catch & release that apply.

Fishing licenses are redeemed by the contestants.

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