Roxen Pike Open 2024

Rules (Roxen Pike Open 2024)

Please read the following rules carefully before emailing us questions!

Rules and information for the Roxen Pike Open

     • The competition is a local team competition for pike fishing. You can be as many as you want in the boat, but a maximum of 4 rods can be fished at the same time.

Registration, dates and times

     • Team registration is mandatory online at, then you will also receive a login code for the app.
     • At Experience, where you can pick up measuring board in the morning from at 07:00 before the competition.
       • It is enough for one member of the team to come. 
       • We can answer questions on the spot if there is something, e.g. regarding the app, etc
       • It is ok to go out on the lake earlier and wait for the starting shot which goes at 09:00.

     • Competition date: Saturday 26/10-2023, at 09.00 - 16.00.
    Pike reported before or after these times will not be counted.
     • A "blackout period" is applied at 14-16 when updated scores are not published, this to increase the tension before the award ceremony, when the final results are announced.
     • We fish until 16.00, then the rods must be out of the plur and we head back to Upplev, where sausages etc. are offered, at about 17.30 there is a prize distribution.

Scoring, classes and assessments

     • The competition has two classes:
       •  Spinning fishing - Permitted methods are hand tools, i.e. spin, fly, vertical. Only one rod per participant is allowed. 
       •  Trolling fishing - When trolling, four (4) fishing lures are allowed per fishing license and a total of maximum 4 fishing rods per boat.
       • You can choose which class you want to compete in, i.e. you can do both spinning/Trolling and win the competition overall, or you choose to only Spin Fishing or troll and then you have a chance to win the overall and the class you choose.

     • Prizes awarded are 1-3 for the team that gets the longest 5 pikes regardless of class, 1 prize for the team that gets the 5 longest pikes in Spin and 1 prize for whoever gets the 5 longest i trolling and 1 prize for whoever gets it longest pike during the day.
     • It is the combined length of the team's five (5) longest pikes that will be your final result.
     • Competition officials are judges in the competition, and decide whether the pikes have been treated correctly and whether the measurements you enter are correct. If cheating is suspected, the pike is not counted. These decisions must be respected.
     • If several teams end up with the same final result, it is decided by the longest individual pike. If teams have the same length there too, it will be decided at what time the longest pike was reported.
     • Rules regarding the longest fish, if two people have caught the same length, the one who reported the longest fish first wins.

General fishing rules

     •  NOTE NEW 2024: Use of LiveScope, ActiveTarget, MegaLive or similar products is prohibited. This also applies to 360, however, Downscan and Sidescan echo sounders are allowed. This decision has been taken to ensure that the competition remains accessible to all and that participants compete under as fair conditions as possible
     • Handle the fish with care, C&R must be conducted during the competition, and pictures where the pike is measured against a surface that can damage the fish will lead to disqualification. Such substrates can be, for example, piers, gravel, dry ground or stone slabs.
     • A maximum of 4 rods may be fished at the same time.
     • Only artificial baits are allowed. 

Photography and reporting

     • NOTE, All reporting must take place CURRENT through the app "Fishy Live”! Reports received in other ways will be rejected. More information 
     • In the Fishy app, you identify yourself and log in via a numerical code you receive automatically when you register in advance. Everyone on the boat should and can download the Fishy app and log in with the same code, so you can take turns creating and submitting reports. So feel free to install the app on more phones if you run out of battery in one of them.
     • Photographs must be taken against a measuring board (or other suitable measuring equipment) together with the number sent out, both number and pike length must be clearly visible. It must also be photographed for a "posing picture" together with the catcher + number, also there the number must be clearly visible. Important to measure the pike with the head towards 0. No hands may touch the tail spool or tail fin, if this should occur, 2cm will be deducted from the length.
     • The posing photos submitted in connection with the reporting may be published on and in the organizer's channels. The photos submitted are already cleared in the app of all geo-information about where the photo was taken (so-called EXIF information)
     • Only report profit increases.
     • Reports must be submitted continuously during the course of the competition, preferably immediately after capture. Reports submitted after the end of the competition will not be accepted. 

Competition area

     • Fishing may only be conducted within the competition area, which is within the permitted fishing limits for Roxens Fisheries Conservation Area and Stångån. If you fish in a prohibited area, you will be immediately disqualified. NOTE, Svartån and Motala stream do not belong to the competition area! Respect the prohibited areas!
     • A valid, personal fishing license in Roxen is a requirement. Illegal fishing without a fishing license leads to immediate disqualification and a police report for violation of the Fishing Act. During the day there will be supervision by Roxen's FVOF, so bring your fishing license and identification.
     • The Fishy app requests GPS location when reporting a catch, to ensure that the fish was caught within the permitted competition area. This position is shared with the organizer only, not other competing teams/individuals. When you install and use the app, you must agree that it can collect your current GPS location.


     • It is possible to use the ramp in the canal as well as the ramp at the boat club below Experience, keep the speed 4 knots in the canal when you drive out. 
     • The competition management is not responsible for the participants' health, insurance or equipment during the competition. A life jacket is mandatory when the boat is being driven, when you are stationary, it is your own responsibility/judgment that applies. Floaties, floaties, etc. are approved.
     • Tip: Membership in Sportfiskarna includes accident insurance while fishing, see:örmåner/Olycksfallsförsäkring 

More information

     • Applicable fishing regulations for Roxen's FVO:   
     • Map of Roxen's FVO:
     • Fishing license:


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