DM i trolling Åsunden 2025
Rules (
DM i trolling Åsunden 2025
)Dm pike trolling Östergötland Rules for all 4 sub-competitions
Start location and competition time will be published no later than one week before the start on the Malexander Sfk blog.
Competition rules:
Participation in the competition is at your own risk.
You get a code at registration, a measuring board and reference objects are distributed at the start
Max 6 active rods/bait per boat. Rod rack and deep rig allowed. ATTENTION! not planner boards. Only artificial baits. The bait must be laid out. Do not throw.
Caught pike C&R are measured against a measuring board and photographed with reference objects. The 5 longest pikes are counted per sub-competition. Full cm, rounded down. Minimum size 60 cm
Image is submitted via the app for assessment continuously throughout the competition period. Each Team keeps its own record of longest pikes (Backup). The images must be clear and legible to be approved. Each pike must be placed on the same side.
The 3 best sub-competitions out of 4 count for participation in Sm. Lowest sum of seat number etc. At the same place number, the longest pike is counted. Teams must have completed 3 competitions for a place at the SM
3 prizes for the longest total length at each sub-competition. All fish caught, regardless of species, must be released. As well as medals for places 1-3 in the combined final result.
Competition jury is appointed before the start. Organizer and 2 participating teams. Captain's meeting before the start. Everyone must have a life jacket/flotation suit. No alcohol during the competition. No practice fishing the week before the competition.
Max 3 participants in Team/boat. At least 1 participant in the registered Team must be in the boat during the competition. Membership in the anglers is required of all who participate in the competition.
The competition is sanctioned by the anglers.
Questions? Henry 070-20 11 535, Håkan 070-59 77 810