Årets kajakfiskare 2022 - Sommen!

Rules (Kayak fisherman of the year 2022 - Sommen!)



Correct and pleasant behavior in a comradely spirit and to adhere to the regulations. 


     • The fisherman must ensure that he has valid insurance. 
     • All participants must be sober during all stages of the competition.  
     • The organizer is not responsible for accidents and damage to persons and equipment that may befall the participants during the competition and in connection with the competition. 
     • Anglers must have a hook cutter with them. 
     • The kayak must be suitable for navigation in an archipelago environment and meet other specifications regarding flotation materials according to current maritime regulations.  
     • The competition management has the right to evict kayaks that do not meet the competition management's requirements.  
     • In case of uncertainty, contact the competition management. 
     • Each participant must wear a life jacket, life jacket or life suit during the entire competition. 
     • The kayak should be equipped with a compass, mobile phone with current water coverage. 


     • Measuring fish: Measured in length and rounded up. If there are two or more that have the same maximum length, the competition management goes in and studies the images to be able to decide more accurately. For example Pike: 118.3cm and 118.8cm Then it wins at 118.8cm. 
     • We use a competition app at all competitions: "FISHY" Make sure you have downloaded it to your phone and that everything is working before the competition. 
     • If two fishermen have exactly the same cm after the competition, they must be distinguished according to the following model 
     • The one with the longest pike (only the longest of three possible).  

If the result is still the same, b) applies 

b) The one with the longest perch (only the longest of three possible).  

     • It is not permitted to start fishing before the start of the competition or to continue fishing after the end of the competition.  
     • It is also not allowed to report a fish that was not caught within the competition area, between the start and stop of the competition during the day of the competition. 
     • Kayaks with electric motors/engines/sails may not be used. 
     • Gathering and briefing before the start is compulsory attendance at.  
     • Any local rules may apply and the contestants must then be informed of this. 
     • If you arrive late, you will be penalized with 1cm per minute. If the delay is more than 15 minutes, the competitor will be disqualified from the entire competition. (One foot ashore at the finish line). 
     • Minimum measurements will not be applied, all the fish caught that you want to include in the competition must be photographed on the designated measurement board. The photograph must be clear and the number plate must also be included and be clear. After the photography, the fish must be released again in a safe manner. 
     • The competitor is responsible for the well-being of the fish. 
     • The registration fee must be paid before the competition begins and is not refunded in the event of illness or the like. 
     • The competitor solves the fishing license himself. (Camp 3 lakes fishing license included in registration fee). 

Fishing methods: 

     • Only hand gear in the form of rod and reel and artificial lures.  
     • We do not allow the use of live or dead bait, long lines, otter boards, etc. 
     • The competitor must follow the rules that exist on the water the competitor is fishing on. 
     • All fish must be caught and landed from inside the kayak. 
     • You may fish with a rod carried from your hand. 
     • A competitor fishes his own fish in his own kayak and takes photos of his own fish and submits photos of his own fish. You compete Mao individually with your own kayak with your own catches. 
     • Help from fellow contestants is allowed, however, the photography must be done with the contestant's own camera/mobile phone. Rescue boat ok. 
     • We must keep a distance of at least 30m between the competitors. This does not apply to the race management. 


     • Catch must be photographed against the grading scale of the measuring board with the fish's mouth at the 0 mark and total length clearly visible at the tail fin on the digital photograph.  
     • The image must be clear and the markings on the measuring board must be legible as well as the tag. 
     • The whole fish MUST be visible in the picture. It is permitted to have your hand over the fish as long as it does not obscure the head or tail fin. 
     • When you submit catch photos and other photos, you give the competition management the right to use them for marketing purposes. You still own the images and only give us the right to use them in our own marketing.  
     • The images must not be manipulated in any way. 
     • The number tag/Similar must be fully visible for the fish to be counted. If the license plate is not visible, that image is washed. 


All protests must be in writing and received by the competition management no later than 30 minutes after the end of fishing time. 

In the event of a breach of the rules, the following penalties may be awarded: 

a) A maximum deduction from the day's catch of 75 cm. 

b) Cm deduction. 

c) Disqualification in the competition. 


As usual, we have a nice prize table from our sponsors. 

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