Getadraget 2022
Rules (Goat Draw 2022)
§ 1. Name of the competition: GETADRAGET
§ 2. Competition organizers: Geta Ungdomsförening rf in collaboration with Östergeta, Vestergeta, Dånö, Andersö, Snäckö and Olofsnäs skating teams, Rankoskär, Pantsarnäs, Finnö and Isaksö.
The competition is won by the team that achieves the highest combined length of a total of 5 pike caught over 60 cm. Perches are not included in the competition. A team must consist of at least 2 and at most 3 participants. If 2 or more teams have the same length, the team with the longest pike wins.
Largest pike 1, 2, 3.
Biggest pike in junior class 1, 2, 3.
Largest pike refers to the one with the greatest length. In the junior class, everyone under the age of 15 participates. Junior participants must be part of a team.
§ 4. Right to participate:
The competition is open to all interested parties who meet the competition rules.
§ 5. Participation fee:
The participation fee is €90.00 per team.
§ 6. Competition time:
Saturday, September 24, 2021 at 09:00–16:00.
The boats must be back at the measuring area no later than half an hour after the end of the race.
§ 7. Skipper's meeting:
Each boat's captain must attend the skipper's meeting about half an hour before the start. At this meeting, changes, clarifications and additions to these rules may be distributed.
§ 8. Competition card and measuring board:
Each boat's captain must sign his race card before the race session. All competition cards and measuring boards must be submitted at the measuring point no later than one hour after the end of the competition session.
Unreturned competition card immediately causes searches. Teams that have not returned their competition card and that have caused delays due to carelessness must be responsible for the costs that arise. Caused measuring board is replaced.
§ 9. Competition area:
Each boat receives a map where the competition area is marked. During the competition time, participants may not leave the competition area. At the end of the competition session, the team must return no later than half an hour later to one of the registered starting locations for de-registration.
§ 10. Fishing method:
Fishing may only be done from a boat. Angling, pimp, fly, spin fishing or trolling. 1 rod/person. A spare rod may be available. Sonar may be used. Natural bait not allowed.
§ 11. Competition fish:
The minimum size of the competition fishermen: pike 60 cm.
The fish is measured from the tip of the jaw to the outer end of the tail fin. Fish below the minimum size are not accepted.
§ 12. Measurement:
For a pike to be counted as measurable, it must be at least 60 cm. If a team gets a pike towards the end of the competition and does not manage to get hold of a measuring boat (it may be busy), there is also measuring from at 15.30 at the starting points, Hällö and Lisström. However, the team must be ashore no later than 4:30 p.m.
Each boat must have containers of fresh water or similar to keep the fish alive until the measuring boat arrives. ATTENTION! NEVER PUT AN INJURED FISH BACK IN THE LAKE THAT IS BELOW THE MINIMUM SIZE.
§ 13. Liability:
Each competitor participates in the competition at their own risk. Each competitor must know these rules. Each skipper is responsible for the boat being adapted to the circumstances. The panel of judges can exclude an unapproved boat.
§ 14. Monitoring:
The monitoring of the competition area is handled by the measuring boats. Competitors must follow the invigilator's directives. A life jacket is mandatory.
§ 15. Competition jury:
The competition jury consists of 4 representatives appointed from the organizers and the fishing association.
§ 16. Protest:
Protests are submitted in writing to the competition jury no later than 15 minutes after the results have been given. The protest fee is €40.00, which is refunded if the protest is justified. The competition jury's decision cannot be appealed.
§ 17. Suspension:
Teams that violate § 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 may have their results rejected. If a boat team behaves inappropriately and with poor seamanship, it is excluded from the competition. Decisions are made by the competition jury after hearing those concerned.
Additional information: Helena Martinsson, tel. 0457 331 3114,
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