Gjeddefestivalen 2022

Gjeddefestivalen 2022

Välkommen till Nedre Glomma Gäddfestival 2022!

The event takes place on the last weekend in August (August 27-28) and takes place on beautiful Furuholmen in Varteig.

The fishing competition stretches from Vamma (Askim) to Opsundtangen (Sarpsborg)

Registration is mandatory and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Contest information

 TypePike (Team)
 PositionFuruholmen i Varteig, Norge 



Skjeberg og Omegn Jeger- og Fiskeforening

 Contest periodFinished 2022-08-27 10:00 → 2022-08-28 14:30  
 Registration requiredYes    (75 Teams)
 Released 2022-08-18 12:00
Registration is paid with VIPPS, and everyone must have paid their registration in advance.
 Number of spots75 pcs (9 Signed up)
 Price(Price information missing) (Registration is paid with VIPPS, and everyone must have paid their registration in advance.)
 Registration possible during the competition periodNo
 Darkness periodYes (From 23:59 → 14:30)
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo

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