DM i Abborre 2023 Jönköping

DM i Abborre 2023 Jönköping

Welcome to the Jönköping Perch District Championship!

Contest information

 TypePerch (Team)
 PositionSverige Stråkern Samling Västerkärr 



Sons of Anglers/ Jaktia

 Contest periodFinished 2023-05-27 08:00 → 16:00  
 Registration requiredYes    (30 Teams)
 Released 2023-01-09 12:00
400 Per team
 Number of spots30 pcs (15 Signed up)
 Price(Price data missing) (400 Per team)
 Registration possible during the competition periodNo
 Darkness periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedYes



Now it's almost time for the Competition. We gather at the ramp and have the captain's meeting at 07:30 and the competition then starts at 08:00

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