Dax to report the team to DM in pike Södra Älvsborg

The DM in pike is organized by Ulricehamn's Recreational Anglers on May 28. Anglers' rules apply. Top 5 min measurements. The arena is Over Åsund's Fisheries Conservation Area.

Captain's meeting 07:30 at the clubhouse at Ågatan 2, 523 37 Ulricehamn. It is possible to get there by boat, but it is a bit crowded. Min measure 60cm.

Upper Åsund Fisheries Management District. Search for Åsunden Ulricehamn on ifiske.se for the right fishing license. Competition manager: Andreas Tafjord 0733 82 24 42 uffungdom@nullgmail.com. Max 40 teams! More info and registration at fishy.nu

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