Autumn pike 2021 decided!

The autumn pike arranged by Stäkets SF for the second year in a row as an SPL competition, which always attracts talented competitors. Even this year with free start 2020, we called it corona start, this year we continued with the same concept. It works well with a free start as long as you are clear about the regulations before, for example the measuring board approved by the race management and about using a GPS function that means we know that everyone has been to Mälaren today.

We had extra help today from the exceptionally good app Fishy Live and the website It greatly facilitates the administrative work before, during and after the competition. Try it in your competitions is our tip. This year the competition attracted 195 people divided into 71 talented pike teams.

Best of all on the day was Team Vazz who won at 411cm. Fredrik Bergman, Daniel Schedin, Hampus Magnusson competed in the team! Team Vazz got off to a good start with their first fish of 82cm as early as 8.06, the good start meant that the team was in the lead for large parts of the day and already at dark at 14.00 the team had 411cm. No increase in the last 2 hours but it was enough for victory before Team Glädjehugget who had a real chopping period for a period. Pontus Karsenbarg called it "bonanza". At dark they were 399cm, but increased to 406cm at the end. Only 5cm from victory today. Considering the name, they are probably a happy second after all.

Third came the darkening rocket, Team Snubbarna at two o'clock the team was in 24th place at 142cm. In the last hour they went all the way to 3rd place and 395cm. It was a crazy battle towards the end and their last fish came in at 15.51 a nice 82cm:

Two pieces of 107cm came up during the day, but this year's prize for the biggest fish today goes to Team Trollspö and Tobias Hokander as he got it first, about 24 minutes before Henrik Andersson in Team Uppsala Pike Brigade)

Hope everyone had a nice day on the lake, it looked like nice weather on the pictures I got via the Fishy Live app.

Click fishy here for results and catch photos.

Sincerely, Competition Management Stäket's SF

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