Robert Klarre Klarström takes home the Gunki Iron Perch!

After a really exciting season with a record number of registered fish, it is now finally time to crown this year's winner in GUNKI IRON PERCH.

A resounding “Hooray!” we say to Robert Klarre Klarström who with an impressive 151 cm spread over 3 super fine perches with the dimensions 51-50-50 takes home the victory in the year's most exciting competition in the hunt for the largest specimens of perhaps our most beloved sport fish, the perch!

Klarre won several fine prizes for his eminent contribution, including a two-day fishing trip in the hunt for largemouth bass in the company of a Jan O. as well as some fishing equipment with a Gunki STRIPES sticking out
out as one of the absolute best rods on the market for precisely the striped knight, as the perch is usually called.

It was a real shocker among the other prize winners where a total of 4 participants landed 148cm on their three longest fish. Here the other registered fish had to make the decision.

Congratulations also to you, Jimmy Dahlgren 2nd; Tobbe Olsson 3rd ; Mikael Herbertsson 4th; Marcus Sjöholm 5th.

A big thank you to all the other participants who contributed a lot of nice fish and welcome back in March 2022, then it will be time to challenge Klarre and the other prize winners. Because remember, it's rarely far to a water with large-grown perch!

We hope to be able to return shortly with an interview with the winner, perhaps seasoned with some useful food tips. 

//GUNKI/ Splash Int.

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