Latest news from the Swedish Perch Open!

Latest news from the Swedish Perch Open! There is still a lot of pimping in Swedish waters, it can be seen in SPERO and several beautiful long perches from the ice were approved last week.

One who has been diligent is Daniel Hedlund, who reported three fish recently, Daniel is approaching full paper and currently has 299 cm on seven of his ten fish. In the picture we see Joakim Ortega Svensson, who has now fished fully and with that is in third place with 434 cm!

At the top is still Tobbe Larsson with 491 cm, in second place Sinisa Vrkljan 484 cm! All results and reports can be found here!

About the Swedish Perch Open. Compete where you want, when you want, between 22 December 2023 to the end of October 2024! Catches are reported using the Fishy Live app and the results are published continuously on our website. The first prize is SEK 10,000 in gift cards! Monthly prizes are awarded to the longest fish from our main sponsor  Armada Tackle and spring sponsor RapalaMore info and registration at!

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