Swedish Ice Pike Open - double 120 plus for Team Slaklina! This year's edition of the Swedish Ice Pike Open has opened with some really nice pikes!
First of all, Anna Wiksten and Kjell Wiksten's both 121s must be mentioned. Two fantastic pike reported on the same day, big congratulations Team Slaklina! With these fish, they are now in the lead with a total of 552 cm, closely followed by Team Fleshpower of the same length but with shorter fish.
In total, approx. 40 fish have been approved so far in this year's SIPO. If you or your team want to join, just sign up!
About Swedish Ice Pike Open! The competition is organized for the fourth year and we thank IFISH/BIOS, which is the main sponsor. You can register your team at any time and compete where you want and when you want during the period from the first of December to the end of April! More info here!
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