Torbjörn Larsson 1 cm from a magical 500 cm perch!

Torbjörn Larsson just 1 cm from a magical 500 cm perch in the Swedish Perch Open! Is it possible to catch 500 cm perch on 10 fish in a year?

Most people would say no, but now Torbjörn Larsson is almost there! Yesterday we registered his seventh fish of 50 cm! Total now 499 cm on 10 fish. You can probably say that 500 or more are currently hanging in the air.

There are not many, if any, who have achieved this result in one season's fishing as far as we know, and of course Torbjörn still leads the way with this result.

Another weekend of competition is coming up, we'll be back with a new report on Monday!

Good fishing everyone! All results are here!

Compete against your friends and others in the Swedish Perch Open during winter, spring, summer and autumn! Sweden's best perch angler in 2022 is chosen here! First prize is SEK 10,000 in cash! Monthly prices for longest fish from Armada Tackle and 13 FISHING! Registration and rules are here! Previous news from the competition can be found here.

Main sponsor Armada Tackle Sponsor 13PHISHING

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