Vänern Big Three Trolling Cup – Now the riot begins!

Vänern Big Three Trolling Cup – Now the riot begins! Time flies and at the end of April we know who will take home the cup, here is a short report on the standings.

In the lead is the team that has been at the top for a long time, Team Blücher/Josefsson with Johannes Blücher, Markus Josefsson and Katrin Blücher who fished together nice 255 cm salmon, trout and zander. They also have the longest fish in the competition, a beautiful salmon of 93 cm! They are closely followed by Team Daiwa, Jimmy Olsson and Ulf Edgren who have a total of 254 cm.

All surplus in the competition goes back in the form of smolt in Lake Vänern. Read more and check pictures and reports at fishy.nu.

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